¥4350/20rxns Cat No.gtma 库存:现货 SKU/Size 点击咨询售前客服 点击咨询售后客服 Troubleshooting guide immunoprecipitation (IP) Other Formats GFP-Trap Agarose GFP-Trap Agarose kit GFP-Trap Magnetic Agarose kit GFP-Trap Magnetic Particles M-270 ...
产品名称: GFP-Trap® Magnetic Agarose 产品规格: 20rxns 有效成分含量: 90% 是否进口: 是 用途范围: GFP磁珠-用于IP,CHIP 规格: 20rxns 实验应用: Immunoprecipitation/ Co-IP Application: Mass spectrometry等 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化...
1.GFP-Trap®的图表,信息量有些大: BioTNT解读:gta-20结合力好,gtma-20次之,gtm-20结合力比较差; gtma-20和gtm-20可以用磁力方式进行洗脱;三者都可以用离心方式进行洗脱。如果仅根据结合力进行选择,可以选gta-20;如果考虑结合力和磁力的实验操作方式,可以选择gtma-20;不推荐gtm-20(结合力差,性价比低); ...
The ChromoTek GFP-Trap® Magnetic Agarose are affinity beads for IP of GFP-fusion proteins. It comprises a GFP Nanobody/ VHH coupled to magnetic agarose beads.
英文名称: GFP-Trap®, coupled to magnetic agarose 总访问: 930 国产/进口: 进口 半年访问: 17 产地/品牌: chromotek 产品类别: 生物芯片 型号: gtma-200 (200 rxns ) 最后更新: 2024-10-15 货号: 参考报价: 38104.5 立即询价 电话咨询
货号:gtak-20 英文名称:GFP-Trap®, coupled to magnetic agarose beads GFP-Trap®, coupled to magnetic agarose beads 货号:gtma-20 中文名称:与磁性琼脂糖珠耦合的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)标记蛋白(颗粒大小:40uM) 描述:能够通过免疫沉淀法快速高效的检测和分离出GFP融合蛋白和它的互作因 ...
GFP-Trap Magnetic Agarose for immunoprecipitation of GFP-fusion proteins. Note single-band in bound fraction, which indicates a very effective pull-down. I: Input, FT: Flow-Through, B: Bound. Cat No.gtma Freight/Packing:-- Country/RegionCountry/RegionVietnamUnited StatesUnited KingdomUnited Arab...
全国免费服务热线 4000-520-616 自营商城一站式服务 厂家直采剔除溢价 品质甄选正品保证 严控流程只做188精品 极速物流如约送货 详情 使用说明 常见问题 DescriptionThe ChromoTek GFP-Trap®Magnetic Agarose are affinity beads for immunoprecipitation of GFP-fusion proteins. It comprises a GFP Nanobody/ VHH ...
Pre-clearing is an optional step to remove proteins or DNA which bind non-specifically to the solid-phase support. It includes the incubation of the cell extract with plain beads (e.g.binding control agarose beads) before performing the actual immunoprecipitation experiment with the GFP-Trap. Aft...
Pre-clearing is an optional step to remove proteins or DNA which bind non-specifically to the solid-phase support. It includes the incubation of the cell extract with plain beads (e.g.binding control agarose beads) before performing the actual immunoprecipitation experiment with the GFP-Trap. Aft...