getline 函数的第一个参数应该是一个输入流(如 std::cin 或std::ifstream),第二个参数应该是一个 std::string 对象。 错误示例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line, "\n"); // 错误:第三个参数应该...
ch = cin.get();//把之前输入的回车符号滤去gets(array4);//The gets function reads a line from the standard input stream stdin and stores it in buffer.//The line consists of all characters up to and including the first newline character ('\n').//gets then replaces the newline charact...
在上述示例中,我们使用了std::getline函数从标准输入流(std::cin)中读取一行数据,并将其存储到名为line的字符串中。循环会一直执行,直到遇到空行(即输入的行数据为空)时才会退出循环。 这种方法在处理输入时非常实用,特别是当需要读取多行数据或者需要逐行处理输入时。它可以确保每次读取到的数据都是完整的一行,避...
construct_prefix_meaning_vectors(entry);stringchoice;do{cout<<"Make a choice: "<<endl;cout<<"1.Guess the meaning given the prefix."<<endl;cout<<"2.Guess the prefix given the meaning."<<endl;cout<<"3.Exit"<<endl;// convert string to intgetline(cin, choice);intch = atoi(choice.c...
C/C++指针使用常见的坑 C/C++中的指针让程序员有了更多的灵活性,但它同时也是一把双刃剑,如果用的不好,则会让你的程序出现各种各样的问题,有人说,C/C++程序员有一半的工作量是花在处理由指针引起的bug上,可想而知,指针中包含...
<< endl; ch = cin.get(); //把之前输入的回车符号滤去 gets(array4); //The gets function reads a line from the standard input stream stdin and stores it in buffer. //The line consists of all characters up to and including the first newline character ('\n')./...
2 What am I doing wrong with cin.getline()? 0 operator>> error: no matching function for call to 0 getline: template argument deduction/substitution failed 0 C++: cin.getline - no instance of overload function 1 Error with std::getline 0 cin.getline : no matching function for call...
() function to read lines into strings void ReadDataFromFileLBLIntoString() { ifstream fin("data.txt"); string s; while( getline(fin,s) ) { cout << "Read from file: " << s << endl; } } //带错误检测的读取方式 //Simply evaluating an I/O object in a boolean context will ...
A global function with the same name exists in header <string>. This global function provides a similar behavior, but with standard C++stringobjects instead of c-strings: seegetline (string). Parameters s A pointer to an array of characters where the string is stored as a c-string. ...
when you usecin.getline()function, then its parameters would be either a constant character pointer or a character array name and the numbers of characters to get. i.e. 1 2 3 constintSIZE=20;charname[SIZE]; cin.getline(name, 15); ...