If you're unable to get approved for a personal loan by yourself, consider applying with a co-signer. Your co-signer should be someone with healthy finances and a decent credit score. This improves your chances of getting approved for the loan and receiving favorable rates. However, co-signe...
Make sure the person who writes your letter of recommendation is someone you have a good relationship with. Although they are rarely decisive, recommendations letters are a meaningful factor in law school admissions. Most other law school application materials, such as personal and diversity s...
Cara and Tommy Clark couldn't understand why a bank refused to refinance their home in 1996 until they got a look at what should have been a lean and responsible credit report.Filaroski, P. Douglas
Unigo is awarding one applicant $5,000 if they can answer the prompt, "What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn't matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?" Be the Boss Scholarship // GoSkills Amount: $2,000 Deadline: September 15, 2024 This scholarship ...
If you have a domain name in mind, it’s a smart move to register it before someone else does. We’ve seen plenty of cases where a perfect domain gets taken just as someone was ready to buy it. This is why many savvy entrepreneurs register domain names for their ideas early, e...
Personal Accident insurance Home insurance Medical&Life,Savings,Investment-Linked Plans, andRetirement GROW with Singlife I need to email / snail mail documents / speak to someone on the phone. We’re here to help. Get in touch directlyhereor submit afeedback formand we’ll get back to you...
Playing up Your Strengths as Someone With a Degree From Abroad Can Help Getting into a U.S. med school with a bachelor's degree from abroad is very challenging, but if you have lived in a different country and gained an international education, you may have a unique perspe...
Nobody likes it when someone is trying to manipulate the way they feel. Audiences are smart and they can see through companies that are inauthentic. Again, consider the previously mentioned Pepsi ad. Audiences immediately felt that the ad’s message of “can’t we all get along” was inauthe...
In 1974, sociologist Phillip Kunz at Brigham Young Universitysent out handwritten Christmas cardsto 600 strangers. His theory: if someone does something for you, you’ll return the favor. It is psychologically rooted in empathy, which comes from thesupramarginal gyrusin our cerebral cortexes. ...
“From the job description, I understand you are looking for someone who can take your outreach team to the next level. During my time with ABC, I performed a similar task, with excellent results…” 26. Control Your Body Language