Get'cha Head In The Game 演唱者 Troy Bolton 属性 歌曲 歌曲时长 0时2分28秒 目录 1演唱者 2作曲 3出版公司 4出品人 5歌词 6背景介360百科绍 折叠编辑本段演日差系希范见众具唱者 Troy Bolton(Performed by Zac Efron) 【特洛伊·波顿(扎员石呢然市克·埃夫隆饰)】 ...
And take the ball to the hole But don't be afrai呢离引地着天难低d To shoot the outside "j探衣另有裂尽" Just keep ya head in the game Just keep ya head in the game And don'范却敌副对无t be afraid To shoot the outside "j" ...
Just keep ya head in the game And don't be afraid To shoot the outside "j" Just keep ya head in the game U gotta get'cha get'cha head in the g延李宜些ame We gotta Get our, get our, get our, get our head谓in the game ...