After 9/11: A Troika of Perceptions of President George Walker Bush, Former Secretary of State Colin Luther Powell and Former Secretary of Defense Donald Henry Rumsfeld on the Creation of the USA Patriot Act of 2001USA PATRIOT ActVICSperceptions...
The politics of diplomacy. (Secretary of State under George Bush reveals Gulf War strategy and negotiations; includes related excerpts)(book excerpt)Baker, James A
George W. Bush is the 43rd president of the United States (2001–09), who led his country’s response to the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 and initiated the Iraq War in 2003. He won the presidency in 2000 over Vice President Al Gore in one of th
George H.W. Bush was the vice president of the United States (1981–89), 41st U.S. president (1989–93), and father of the 43rd U.S. president, George W. Bush. As president, the elder Bush assembled a multinational force to compel the withdrawal of Iraq