Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenlandsurvey organisationscurrent researchDenmarkGreenlandFaroe IslandsReview of Survey activities 2003: Co-operation with the Geological Survey Department of Ghana jourlib.orgKalsbeekFeikoHermansenBj?rnKnudsenChristian
During the Equanaute survey (June 1992), fourteen submersible dives were performed between 4950 and 2250 m water depths across the southern slope of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana Marginal Ridge (CIGMR), in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic. The CIGMR, a high-standing topographic marginal ridge along...
This study utilized airborne magnetic survey data to map geological features and target mineral resources in the Ambam-Amvom area at the NW margin of the Congo craton. Linear and non-linear filtering algorithms were used, including reduction to the equator (RTE), upward continuation (UC) at ...
The minerals and rock resources of Ghana: G. O. Kesse, Director, Geological Survey Department, Accra, Ghana. Published by A. A. Balkema, 1985, Rotterdam, 610 pp., $50 (US)doi:10.1016/0899-5362(88)90049-8C.A.KogbeSDOSJournal of African Earth Sciences...
The Soviet Geological Team worked concurrently and autonomously from 1962-1966 on the mapping and prospecting in the northern half of Ghana. The open and collaborative style of the North American volunteers contrasted with the autonomous and secretive Soviet team with its independent headquarters in ...
K. E. N. Tsidzi1. Geological Engineering Department, University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana ;spGeotechnical & Geological EngineeringTsidzi K E N.An engineering geological approach to road cutting slope design in Ghana[J].Geoteehnical and Geological Engineering,1997,15:31--45....
4 Department of Petroleum Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi 451001, Ghana 5 Xinjiang Natural Resources and Ecological Environment Research Center, Urumqi 830000, China * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Minerals...
Hem, J.D. Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Characteristics of Natural Water (Vol. 2254); Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey: Reston, VA, USA, 1985. Kumar, P.K.; Gopinath, G.; Seralathan, P. Application of remote sensing and GIS for the demarcation of groundwater ...