Qian T, Sheng X, Shen P, Fang Y, Deng Y, Zou G. Mets-IR as a predictor of cardiovascular events in the middle-aged and elderly population and mediator role of blood lipids. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2023;14:1224967. Article PubMed Google Scholar Cheng W, Kong F, Chen S. Compar...
Qian T, Sheng X, Shen P, Fang Y, Deng Y, Zou G. Mets-IR as a predictor of cardiovascular events in the middle-aged and elderly population and mediator role of blood lipids. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2023;14:1224967. Article PubMed Google Scholar Cheng W, Kong F, Chen S. Compar...
However from the perspective of the general population, a dog that falsely alerts half of the time raises serious con- cerns about the invasion of the privacy of innocent people. An important concern for the court is therefore the number of any such false positives. It is important not to ...
They target the general population in hardship areas, where access to healthcare is limited. unicef.org 这项活动面向无法充分获得医疗保健服务的边远 艰 苦地 区的 所有人群。 unicef.org [...] without taking into account the livelihood of the general public and the hardship faced by various ...
UNFPAmonitorsexpenditures for population activities in the following four costed categories: (a) family planning services; [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 人口基金对以下四个已计算费用的人口活动支出进行监测:(a)计划生育服 务;(b) 基本生殖健康服务;(c) ...
Buck v. Bell took place a decade after America’s arch-eugenicist, Harry Laughlin, administrator of the racist Eugenics Records Office at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, estimated that 15% of the American population, or 15 million people, would have to be sterilized to rid the U.S. of...
Sex, age and socio-occupational scale were used as independent variables, applying a logistic regression analysis to assess their degree of influence. Results There was less monitoring carried out by the Roma population of the dietary plans recommended by the Ministry of Health and differences of ...
a predisposition to diabetes mellitus and hypertension [26]. Additionally, one study has shown abnormal function of adult stem cells (SC) in these patients, suggesting a potential contribution to the high prevalence of medical problems in this population. However, these results have to be ...
Some 10% of the ZAR population qualified as inboekstelsil. The British Natal Indian Indentured labour system was a 5 year work contract primarily on sugar cane farms or coal mining with minimal wage under very strict and unfair labour policies – which allowed for no labour or political ...
A multilevel, multi-scale view of evolution can be found in many classic sources, including Darwin’sOrigin(see Gould1977,2002; Amundson2005; Futuyma2015). Such thinking receded with the burgeoning of population and quantitative genetics, but the 1970s and 1980s saw a renaissance in macroevolut...