科摩罗 KM: GDP: Deflator的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 国内生产总值平减指数 (2007=100)137.6202023年1980 - 2023 人均国民收入 (KMF)723,651.6632023年1980 - 2023 国内生产总值:美元:最终消费支出:一般政府 (百万美元)125.1232023年1980 - 2023 国内生产总值:最终消费支出:一般政府 (百万)56,929.6482023年1980...
1960 - 2017 | 年 | 2004=100 | World BankMR:国内生产总值:平减指数在12-01-2017达199.4772004=100,相较于12-01-2016的191.4372004=100有所增长。MR:国内生产总值:平减指数数据按年更新,12-01-1960至12-01-2017期间平均值为23.8942004=100,共58份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2013,达...
比如CPI,GDP deflator等。但简而言之,就是不管你房价涨到多少,我同样修10,000平米的房子,对GDP的...
Real GDP,我们在衡量的时候要刨开价格变化的因素。经济学里面有许多专门的方法用来衡量价格水平的变化,比如 CPI,GDP deflator 等。但简而言之,就是不管你房价涨到多少,我同样修 10,000 平米的房子,对 GDP 的增加是一样的。 这就为我们讨论新加坡和香港 GDP 问题提供了一个思路。下图是新加坡和香港两地的名义 GD...
Unlike consumer price index, which measures inflation or deflation in the price of household consumer goods, the GDP deflator measures changes in the prices of all domestically produced goods and services in an economy including investment goods and government services, as well as household consumption...
[SNA 1993] Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 National accounts manual used: SNA 1993 GDP valuation: Factor costs Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2006. Nominal and real GDP are not measured in the same way and as a result, the GDP deflator is ...
Define GDP per head. GDP per head synonyms, GDP per head pronunciation, GDP per head translation, English dictionary definition of GDP per head. n. Abbr. GDP The total market value of all the goods and services produced within the borders of a nation dur
https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/378829-what-is-the-sdr-deflator 对未来意味着什么? 从上面的测算可以得到两点信息:一是政策对未来增长还是有诉求,考虑人口内外诸多因素,未来十五年可能仍然需要4%-5%的水平,这一方面符合中国经济下台阶、潜在增速整体下行的事实,另一方面体现行稳致远的政策...
https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/378829-what-is-the-sdr-deflator 对未来意味着什么? 从上面的测算可以得到两点信息:一是政策对未来增长还是有诉求,考虑人口内外诸多因素,未来十五年可能仍然需要4%-5%的水平,这一方面符合中国经济下台阶、潜在增速整体下行的事实,另一方面体现行稳致远的政策...
RealGDP is calculatedusing aGDP price deflator, which is the difference in prices between the current year and the base year. For example, if prices rose by 5% since the base year, then the deflator would be 1.05. Nominal GDP is divided by this deflator, yielding real GDP. Nominal GDP ...