What is the GCF of 80 and 40?GCF:The initials 'GCF' stand for 'greatest common factor.' All the numbers that can be used to evenly divide a given number are that number's 'factors.' For example, since the number 12 can be evenly divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12, all of ...
What is the GCF of 16 and 20? What is the GCF of 20 and 22? What is the GCF of 96 and 84? What is the GCF of 15 and 3? What is the GCF of 16 and 25? What is the GCF of 48 and 60? What is the GCF of 88 and 66?
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我的青春谁做主?大学时代的原始记录,四年大学记了60余万字,除了个别错别字,一字未改,堪称原汁原味。 66.“六十分万岁”,谎言和实话汇合飞出窗外 1982年10月10日(星期日) 下文是我看了今天的《中国青年报》刊登的上海某学院学生李新写给编辑部的一封信,题目叫《“六十分万岁”对吗?》之后草写而成的。
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