乔达摩-悉达多是来自印度的伟大精神领袖,他成立了佛教。 5. Traditionally, it is the land of Meditation "Tapo Bhumi" and Birth Place ofGautamaBuddha. 传统而言,它是冥想“塔波bhumi”的土地,也是释迦摩尼佛的出生之地。 单词专题
gautama buddha 美 英 un.释伽牟尼(563?-?483B.C.印度哲学家,佛教创始者) 网络佛祖 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 释伽牟尼(563?-?483B.C.印度哲学家,佛教创始者)
Define Gautama Buddha. Gautama Buddha synonyms, Gautama Buddha pronunciation, Gautama Buddha translation, English dictionary definition of Gautama Buddha. Noun 1. Gautama Buddha - founder of Buddhism; worshipped as a god Buddha, Gautama, Gautama Siddhart
Gautama 美[ˈɡɔtəmə] 英[ˈɡɑutəmə] n.释迦牟尼之俗姓 网络乔答摩;乔达摩;释迦牟尼俗姓 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 释迦牟尼之俗姓
5. Traditionally, it is the land of Meditation "Tapo Bhumi" and Birth Place ofGautamaBuddha. 传统而言,它是冥想“塔波bhumi”的土地,也是释迦摩尼佛的出生之地。 youdao 6.GautamaBuddha gave his last sermon, took his last sip of water, died, and was cremated here. ...
Songs of devotion to Buddha are sung with free food stalls in place to bring joy and pleasure to tourists and locals, setup by organisations and business people. Many attend including those across the country who believe in the Buddha’s teachings “have compassion for all beings, rich and ...
Mythical grove in the foothills of the Himalayas where Queen Maha Maya gave birth to Siddhartha Gautama, the future Buddha, in about 563 BC.historytodayprod
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Gautama Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Gautama:Gautama Buddha,Buddhism,Shakyamuni Gau·ta·ma (gô′tə-mə, gou′-),SiddharthaKnown as"the Bud·dha"(bo͞o′də, bo͝od′ə)563?-483?bc. ...
un.释伽牟尼(563?-?483B.C.印度哲学家,佛教创始者) 网络乔达摩佛陀 网络释义 1. 乔达摩佛陀 ...还有,牧牛者和战车驾驭者的库里须那;及使恶魔败坏的乔达摩佛陀(Gautama'Buddha)。 www.57tibet.com|基于15个网页
Gautama 美[ˈɡɔtəmə] 英[ˈɡɑutəmə] n.释迦牟尼之俗姓 网络乔答摩;乔达摩;释迦牟尼俗姓 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 释迦牟尼之俗姓