The gas connection is for connection to a house of a gas feed conduit (5) and has a foundation through passage (1,2,3) to which a winding piece (9) is coupled. A length of piping (10) is coupled to the winding piece. A second winding piece is connected to the length of piping,...
any gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 green′house gas` n.
Many US homes have a natural gas connection, even if most of the home’s appliances are electric. Keep an eye (or nose) on your gas lines; in most cases, you’ll smell a problem before you see it. Natural gas is odorless, but utility companies add mercaptan to give it a pungent ro...
The invention relates to a domestic gas or liquid connection with a safety shut-off valve in accordance with patent (P 3102865.9). According to this there is provided between the house connection pipe leading from the gas or liquid main into the house and the gas or liquid pipe leading on,...
2.gas line- a pipeline used to transport natural gas; "the workmen broke through the gas line" pipeline,line- a pipe used to transport liquids or gases; "a pipeline runs from the wells to the seaport" 3.gas line- a pipe that carries gasoline from a tank to a gasoline engine; "the...
In this connection, in the paper of Lipatov and Neiland (1974) it was shown that on a flat plate with uniform gas suction at dimensionless suction velocities Re−1/2≪vw≪1 the flow remains separationless, if the coefficient of the pressure disturbance induced, for example, by shock ...
27. Connection to the gas supply was delayed for three days. 接通煤气延迟了三天。 28. Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather. 燃气和燃油的消耗量在天冷时总会增加。 29. It sets targets for reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions. 它为减少温室气体排放设立了目标。 30. It sets...
Pressure measuring connection for gas adjusting devices In order to be able to seal the pressure measuring connection (1), designed as a hose connection, with a closure screw (5) remaining in the internal thread (11) of the connection (1) even during the measuring process, the internal threa...
With a window pass through design, you’re able to completely transform your outdoor bar and patio area. Create amazing entertainment spaces with pass thru windows that hold up at 90 degrees creating the perfect connection betweenthe indoors and outdoors. ...