Nvidia GeForce Now, the prominent tech company’s first take on a cloud gaming service, has now fully launched after three years spent in its beta testing phase. Its main goal is that of providing players who don’t have access to the latest hardware with an alternative way of playing ...
GeForce Now doesn’t have its storefront for games and relies on game developers from various other storefronts to opt into the GeForce Now service. Meaning, that games you purchased previously from any client can be played right away on GeForce Now on the free or paid plans of the cloud ...
In the last week of March, Sony sprung the PlayStation Store Spring Sale promotion, which housed thousands of items. This week, Sony added more games to the list in the Spring Sale update! Check out the complete list of added games and even the original list. Based on our internal check...
Q-workshop骰子新品 以下新品预计于九月中旬到货。更多详细图片可以扫码进入淘宝页面中查看。 最新的斯拉夫神话战神金属骰子: 凯尔特新的黑白配色: 符文任务红色金字: 新的盒装南瓜骰子,经过去年的众筹之后重新上市: 为开拓者第二版设计的骰子套装: 以上新品骰子预计于9月15日之前到货。
Q workshop Q workshop Q-workshop是波兰一家设计和制作跑团骰子和相关周边的公司。目前有多个精美的骰子产品系列,包括克苏鲁系列,矮人系列,精灵系列,蒸汽朋克系列,凯尔特系列,开拓者系列,Ingress系列,蝙蝠侠系列等等,骰子刻纹精细,花纹美观大方。 购买产品
Q workshop新闻和新骰子 近期到了一批新骰子: 1.圣诞节限量套装,仅20套。 包含一套7颗骰子,一个骰子布袋。限定编号。 2.赛博朋克2077风格跑团骰子 3.开拓者最新模组Age of Ashes风格骰子套装 4.符文巡旅红色套装补充包 上述骰子可以在帝企鹅桌游淘宝店购买。