这款99% 纯 IPA 异丙醇清洁剂有多种尺寸可供选择,适用于所有类型的使用。异丙醇是一种高效的通用清洁溶剂。 IPA - Isopropyl Alcohol 收藏获取报价 142 溶剂 - 具有中等闪点和温和气味的清澈液体 - 在工业清洁中表现出色,作为聚合物加工中的稀释剂。在这里购物!
Cleans minor cuts and abrasions. Helps prevent the risk of infection. 70% isopropyl alcohol. Non-returnable. Cannot ship via air/next day.MODELNO. SIZE BOTTLES/CARTON PRICE PER CARTON IN STOCK SHIPS TODAY 1 2 4+ S-17474 1 Gal. 4 $101 $92 $82 carton(s) ADD...
alcohol. product type: trash can container capacity: 13gallons opening mechanism: step on material: steel overall height - top to bottom: 26.4'' nice as far as garbage cans go. seems like a good large capacity, and you can use any garbage bags. exterior is nice looking, a black ...