[gus] until, to, preceding an, the art. of the n., and the verbal part : gus an till mi, until I come back [guth] nm. g. -a, v. ghuith; pl.+annan, voice, word, syllable |F|GHI
The Gaelic word for month isMios,and like most European languages it relates to the disk shape of the moon; which waxes and wanes across the heavens every 28 days or so. This was very much part of the great clock by which the farming societies of early Scotland operated; a year punctuat...
Gaelic Football: A CROSS TO BEAR FOR MURTAGHByline: By ORLA BANNONThe Mirror (London, England)
Róisín (f) RO sheen Rosheen, Rosaleen originally comes from Norse word for "horse." Also means "little rose." Rónán (m) RO nawn Ronan little seal Rónnad (f) RONE it Rónnat seal Rós (f) ROS Rose 'rose' is the modern meaning, but originally it came from a Norse word for "...
The word for colour in Scottish Gaelic isdath(pl:dathan). Related words and expressions include: cuir dath air - to colour, dye, paint dath-dhall - colour-blind dath-lipean - lipstick dathail - colourful; highly coloured dathte - coloured; dyed ...
A word of warning, I include an approximate pronunciation of some Gaelic blessings. Just remember that 'ch' in Gaelic is like the 'ch' in 'loch', not as in chalk. If you can't manage that, pronounce as a 'k' to be understood. ...
Brian Boru was responsible for the death of Cian. Cian is a well-known contender for the position of one of the most popular boys’ names in Ireland. In Gaelic, the word can indicate either “ancient” or “enduring.” 19. Conor This is one of the most common names given to Irish ...
You had no need for the printed word. Gaelic is the language of your mother, A melodious, rich, clannish tongue; You preserved of it what you could, Your accent as true as any that was uttered in that glen. Your friends will miss your conversation, Your neighbours will be lonely come...
“He had a big influence on me. Kept me level-headed. Frank Cogan was another figure on that team that I respected a lot. He had a quiet word with me once or twice when I needed it. I remember once after a league game in Roscommon I...
[ionbhar] See inbhir, which is the old literary form of the word, but does not accord with the general pronunciation as ionbhar does [Ionbhar-àir] pnm. Ayr town. Inflected on the first element [Ionbhar-lòchaidh] pnm. Inverlochy. Inflected on the first element ...