(GST_MESSAGE_EOS | GST_MESSAGE_ERROR)); if (msg != NULL) { gst_message_unref(msg); } gst_element_set_state(pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref(pipeline); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void on_button_play_clicked(GtkWidget* button, gpointer data) { GThread* thread; ...
If you have an IDE that uses the MSSCCI provider, like VS 2003 or VB6, and you want to switch...Date: 04/15/2009How to: Force a Check-in to be Linked to Work Items?Well, the answer to this one is pretty easy and straight-forward. You can accomplish that using a...Date: 04...
How to: Switch Branches in a Workspace Without Getting All the Files of the New Branch?One of the new features added in VSTF 2008 SP1 is that you can switch to another branch in your...Date: 04/11/2009How to: Move Your Workspace to Another Drive?A common problem occurs when the ...
README.md.-.vscode-gcores.-.Visual.Studio.Code.2021-12-17.11-31-43.mp4 说明 vscode-gcores是一款在用vscode编写代码之余看机核文章的小项目, 数据来源于机核api, 不会对机核网站造成压力, 请大家放心使用, 丝般顺滑. 本插件具备登入功能, 数据保持在vscode本地(已登入用户可以看收藏文章及添加收藏文章或...
If you still get connection errors, make sure the proxy is indeed used by the profiler - in theFailed to connect to servererror message you'll see the proxy used by the profiler (underProxy used:). Sending logs to server By default, gProfiler sends logs to Granulate Performance Studio(whe...
To resolve this problem, add the code in the Totaling - OnLookup trigger in the G/L Account Card form (17) as follows: Create the following local variable: Name: GLaccList DataType: Form (18) ... GLaccList.LOOKUPMODE(TRUE);
To resolve this problem, add the code in the Totaling - OnLookup trigger in the G/L Account Card form (17) as follows: Create the following local variable: Name: GLaccList DataType: Form (18) ... GLaccList.LOOKUPMODE(TRUE);
Error Reporting Examples Visual Basic Code Example: Retrieving MSMQQueueInfo.Quota FolderItemVerbs Task Dialogs Reference Creating an AutoRun-enabled CD-ROM Application PROPID_M_SOAP_HEADER PROPID_MGMT_QUEUE_BYTES_IN_QUEUE INameSpaceTreeAccessible IExpDispSupportXP List Box Controls Reference Notifications...
All of the transformations in the query (renaming columns, etc.) can be done through the Power Query UI, so the amount of code I ended up typing was minimal. Step 2: Visualize Next step was to visualize the data. I used Power View to create a series of charts. By using ...
Code:The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software 链接:http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/z7Awy8sX5kCbC计算机科学导论:原书第2版链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hruwVAGSpring Boot实战 (原名:Spring Boot in Action)链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pMhP6aR 提取码:cxs1...