. See also a discussion of key scorekeeping guidelines included in the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report to the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (H.Rept. 105-217, pp. 1007-1014). 7 See Table 3 in CBO, cost estimate, “The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act would ...
The joint explanatory statement is posted on the House Rules Committee website. A 27-page committee summary of the bill includes the following recap of key space-related provisions. Among other issues of interest, the final bill does not include a House provision that would have prohibited the...
The joint explanatory statement also included several directives related to the UAC program, primarily focused on reporting. In addition, the explanatory statement reiterated language from the Senate committee report about placing children with trusted adult relatives, where possible. The explanatory statemen...
The joint explanatory statement issued by the House and Senate conferees who managed the "T-HUD" section of the CAA describes changes that were made to H.R. 8294, the House-passed version of this legislation. Still, it is the language in House Report 117-402 (House Report), which ...
Authorization bills set policy and recommend funding, but only appropriations bills actually provide money. The funding tables in theexplanatory statementilllustrate some of the appropriations committees’ priorities. There are many reductions and increases, but among the more significant plus-ups in the...
In July, we signed an agreement with Lundin Mining to jointly acquire Filo Corp. and to enter a joint venture with the intent of developing the Filo del Sol and Josemaria copper projects. We have determined a final dividend of US$3.8 bn. ...
CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF 10. 簡明綜合權益變動表 CHANGES IN EQUITY For the three months ended 31 March 2022 截至二零二二年三月三十一日止三個月 Share capital 股本 RMB 人民幣元 Equity attributable to owners of the Company 本公司擁有人應佔權益 Merger reserve 合併儲備 RMB 人民幣元 Capital...
On average, we had 46,900 R&D employees in fiscal 2022. Our research and development activities are ultimately geared to developing innovative, sustainable solutions for our customers – and our businesses – while also strengthening our own competitiveness. Joint implementation by the operating units ...
STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 簡明綜合全面收益表 For the nine months ended 30 September 2022 截至2022年9月30日止九個月 Notes 附註 Three months ended 30 September 截至9月30日止三個月 2022 2021 2022年 2021年 RMB RMB 人民幣元 人民幣元 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (未經審核) (未經審核) Nine ...
2 Descriptions of these provisions can be found in the FY2022 consolidated appropriations measure’s explanatory statement, as printed in “Explanatory Statement Submitted by Ms. DeLauro, Chair of the House Committee on Appropriations, Regarding the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. ...