. See also a discussion of key scorekeeping guidelines included in the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report to the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (H.Rept. 105-217, pp. 1007-1014). Congressional Research Service 4 link to page 16 link to page 16 Labor, Health and ...
The joint explanatory statement is posted on the House Rules Committee website. A 27-page committee summary of the bill includes the following recap of key space-related provisions. Among other issues of interest, the final bill does not include a House provision that would have prohibited the...
5 Descriptions of these provisions can be found in the FY2022 consolidated appropriations measure’s explanatory statement, as printed in “Explanatory Statement Submitted by Ms. DeLauro, Chair of the House Committee on Appropriations, Regarding the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. ...
富銀融資租賃(深圳)股份有限公司 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 簡明綜合全面收益表 For the nine months ended 30 September 2023 截至2023年9月30日止九個月 Total comprehensive expenses for the period attributable to: – Owners of the Company – Non-controlling interests Loss per...
In July, we signed an agreement with Lundin Mining to jointly acquire Filo Corp. and to enter a joint venture with the intent of developing the Filo del Sol and Josemaria copper projects. We have determined a final dividend of US$3.8 bn. ...
SFS supports Siemens' industrial businesses with financial advisory services and via a joint go-to-market that includes SFS's risk management expertise, such as to assess the risk profiles of projects or business models. Furthermore, SFS collaborates with Siemens' industrial businesses to co-develop...
STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 簡明綜合全面收益表 For the three months ended 31 March 2021 截至二零二一年三月三十一日止三個月 Revenue Direct costs 收益 直接成本 Gross profit Other income and gains and losses Operating expenses Administrative expenses Reversal of/(provision for) impairment loss on ...
Funding levels in this report are generally drawn from (or estimated based on) amounts displayed in the draft report accompanying the Senate subcommittee-approved FY2015 L-HHS-ED bill, the joint explanatory statement accompanying the FY2015 omnibus, or publicly available agency operating plans or bu...
Amounts for FY2018 enacted are generally drawn from or calculated based on data in the explanatory statement accompanying the FY2018 omnibus (H.R. 1625, P.L. 115-141), available in theCongressional Record, vol. 164, no. 50, March 22, 2018, pp. H2697-H2783. ...
(c) a statement of changes in equity for the period; (d) a statement of cash flows for the period; and (e) notes, including the summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. (ea) comparative information in respect of the preceding period as specified in ...