SMS Language:Preset for Chinese, if you would like to receive English SMS, please contact our customer services hotline 中學 (SE) Secondary 碩士或以上 (PG) Master or Above 如於現職公司工作少於3個月,請填寫以下資料: If current employment is less than 3 months, please fill in the following...
room. It also needed to set up a regional hub to support its IT infrastructure across multiple offices in the Asia Pacific region, and ensure that its staff and customers can have stable Internet access to product information hosted at the Company’s portal in Hong Kong when they travel ...
SMS Language:Preset for Chinese, if you would like to receive English SMS, please contact our customer services hotline 中學 (SE) Secondary 碩士或以上 (PG) Master or Above 如於現職公司工作少於3個月,請填寫以下資料: If current employment is less than 3 months, please fill in the following...
For full version of "Bank of Communications CUP Dual Currency Credit Card Fees Schedule", please call the Bank's Customer 4. 此收費聲明的中文版僅供參考,若中,英文版本有任何矛盾或歧異,概以英文 Services Hotline (852) 223 95559 or visit the Bank's website: