goulash. If you don't think gas station goulash is funny, I can't help you. There is no way this goulash isn't awesome. It has to be the best goulash in the region, to overcome the fact that it's sold at a gas station. Meatloaf Monday also sounds like a banger of the highest...
goulash. If you don't think gas station goulash is funny, I can't help you. There is no way this goulash isn't awesome. It has to be the best goulash in the region, to overcome the fact that it's sold at a gas station. Meatloaf Monday also sounds like a banger of the highest...
Look, we get it. The central premise of this article sounds absurd. What could possibly be funny about a global pandemic that has altered the very fabric of our existence, in one fell swoop shutting down everything we hold dear, fromsportstomoviestomusicto thevery notion of human interaction?