I've always been captivated by the magic of magnetism. Why do strong magnets have such an attractive force? Why are certain elements magnetic, and others are not? And ever since the extra-strong neodymium magnets have started appearing on the market, the fun has gotten even better! They're...
Try these fun magnetism activities for elementary students to teach about the push and pull forces of magnets.
Advertisement 5. Helmholtz: The Father of Modern Physics Hermann von Helmholtz was a pioneering scientist who sought to unify the physical sciences by demonstrating a link between magnetism, heat, mechanics, electricity and light. He believed that all of these phenomena were manifestations of a singl...
Few facts about magnets Magnets are bipolar, meaning a magnet has two ends called poles i.e. a North Pole and a South Pole. The North Pole of one magnet attracts the South Pole of other magnet and vice versa. That means like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other....
"Animal Magnetism"From the eponymous 1980 album - Joey F. "Fly To The Rainbow"From eponymous 1974 album. - Joey F. "Obsession"'Cause it feels so good to be your lover. (From 1999 album "Eye II Eye") - Joey F. "China White"From the 1982 album Blackout. This was used as entrance...
Fascinating facts about migrating birds, including their travel distances, altitudes, and navigation. Learn how to support them with food, water, and nesting materials.
Ten fun facts about William Thomson1. Lord Kelvin: Scientist & Engineer Extraordinaire William Thomson, more commonly known as Lord Kelvin, was a renowned scientist and engineer who made a significant contribution to the field of thermodynamics. He is best remembered for his work in determining ...
Sidebars offer a look into the world of professional entomology, as well as gross facts about insects that will provide great playground trivia, including the USDA's guidelines for allowable insect parts per cup of food. Kids will learn that science is not just something to read about but som...
Science Facts This simple machine pulley contains a rope passing through the wheels to pull things up. The pressure applied on one end of the rope will bring the item tied to the rope’s other end. We also tried adding one more pail on to the rope’s other end and increased the effici...
so it's not just like water which repel at a short distance but it's a wonderful fluid which repel at a long distance and in facts it goes very quickly through the wire, there is a little concentration which goes ZINNNG through the wire all over the city at once. And you can use ...