CONSTITUTION:The two-step sulfonation of a lower alkylbenzene of the formula (R is alkyl) as ethylbenzene is conducted using a fuming sulfuric acid of 30-70 % concentration in the lower temperature range from -50 to 60, preferably from -60 to 50 deg.C at the first step and then the ...
The polymerization initiated by fuming sulfuric acid in combination with sodium trifluoromethane sulfonate was examined under several conditions. It was also found that a mixture of fuming sulfuric acid and an aromatic compound such as benzenesulfonic acid, benzene, and xylene, contributed to an ...
CONSTITUTION:The two-step sulfonation of a lower alkylbenzene of the formula (R is alkyl) as ethylbenzene is conducted using a fuming sulfuric acid of 30-70 % concentration in the lower temperature range from -50 to 60, preferably from -60 to 50 deg.C at the first step and then the ...
CONSTITUTION:The two-step sulfonation of a lower alkylbenzene of the formula (R is alkyl) as ethylbenzene is conducted using a fuming sulfuric acid of 30-70 % concentration in the lower temperature range from -50 to 60, preferably from -60 to 50 deg.C at the first step and then the ...
The mixing sensitivity was studied for the sulfonation of two alkylbenzenes (ArH's), toluene and ethylbenzene, by using a rotor-stator spinning disc reactor (SDR). Fuming sulfuric acid (FSA), containing 30 wt. % free sulfur trioxide, was used as a sulfonating agent, which resulted in a ...
CONSTITUTION:The two-step sulfonation of a lower alkylbenzene of the formula (R is alkyl) as ethylbenzene is conducted using a fuming sulfuric acid of 30-70 % concentration in the lower temperature range from -50 to 60, preferably from -60 to 50 deg.C at the first step and then the ...
The mechanism of sulfonation in oleum proposed by Brand et al.3 - stepwise attachment of SO3 and H+ to the substrate, followed by the loss of the proton from the benzene ring - is shown to be inconsistent with the substrate isotope effects reported 3 by these authors. The sulfonation ...