Full House: The Spread of Excellence fromStephen Jay GouldBerkeley Electronic Press Selected Worksdoi:10.1136/bmj.314.7082.761aCharles WeijerHarmony/Cape, |c1996 (?)Harmony/capeGould, S. J. (1997), Life's Grandeur: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin, Vintage, London....
William Shakespeare
More Letters of Charles Darwin Volume I by Charles DarwinWilliam Shakespeare
Coral Reefs by Charles DarwinWilliam Shakespeare
The patient underwent a successful repair of the IVC without bypass, showcasing a unique and effective method with a quick recovery, highlighting the rarity of total transections of the suprahepatic IVC.doi:10.1177/00031348231207300Charles, Aidan...
Volcanic Islands by Charles DarwinWilliam Shakespeare
But perhaps his best-known work was his 1963 essay 'Is the Scientific Paper a Fraud?' This was not concerned with plagiarism or data falsification: instead, the great biologist was drawing attention to the fact that the finished, published version of sci...
F.W. Nicholas and J.M. Nicholas, Charles Darwin in AustraliaAnneMaree Whitaker
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals - 1955, Page 146 by Charles Darwin, Margaret Mead . Read The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals now at Questia.doi:10.1176/ajp.113.1.92-bCharles, CitationThe, DarwinAppleton, Animals D...