此原因碼僅在 z/OS®上發生。 完成碼 MQCC_FAILED 程式設計師回應 請檢查哪些佇列包含訊息,並尋找可能無意中填入佇列的應用程式。 請注意,導致頁集或連結機能結構變滿的佇列不一定是傳回 MQRC_STORAGE_MEDIUM_FULL 之 MQI 呼叫所參照的佇列。 請檢查所有一般伺服器應用程式是否正常運作,並處理佇列上的訊息。 ...
MQPUT 或 MQPUT1 呼叫或指令失敗,因為佇列已滿,也就是說,它已包含MaxQDepth佇列屬性所指定的可能訊息數上限。 此原因碼也可能出現在報告訊息的訊息描述子中的Feedback欄位; 在此情況下,它指出訊息通道代理程式嘗試將訊息放置在遠端佇列時發生錯誤。 完成碼 MQCC_FAILED...
The majority of the participants in this study had an inherited form of NF1. The parents themselves are at higher risk of having social communication and interaction difficulties, due to established higher rates of autism in individuals with NF1 [37] . However, this could also have been due ...
Faster convergence to the global optimum is possible with an appropriate NLP solver. Specifically, Quad MINOS is a quad-precision implementation of MINOS [13]. For problem Eq. (1), MINOS solves a sequence of linearly constrained subproblems defined by linearizing the constraints at a sequence of ...
The results revealed that GPR65 overexpression led to a reduced potential of HTR-8/SVneo cells to form a tubular network and instead resulted in the aggregation of cells into clumps, particularly at pH 6.5 (Fig. 3C). Therefore, GPR65 inhibits the potential of HTR-8/SVneo cells to form ...
Three models were developed and validated to predict the risk of malignancy in ovarian tumours. The predicted outcomes of the models for each sample were merged to form a new feature set that was utilised as an input for the logistic regression (LR) model for constructing a combined model, ...
Cattle were deprived of water during transportation, while they could eat some wheat straw, which was placed on the sides of the cart in the form of straw bundles when loading. Before transport, the ratio of concentrate and wheat straw in diet was 30:70. The concentrate was purchased from ...
With a global nursing workforce of 27.9 million, nurses represent the largest occupational group in the health sector and form the backbone of the health care system [1]. However, the shortage of nurses is a major concern in most of the world’s countries, thus creating a global health emer...
These multiple hypotheses can also be further refined and analyzed by computational methods using integrative approaches where regulatory hypotheses are simultaneously combined: (1) with each other in the form of regulatory networks; and (2) with other kinds of data. Regulatory hypotheses can be ...
liver and then transported by low-density lipoproteins or chylomicrons for storage in adipose tissue as triglycerides (TG), while exogenous fat is absorbed through the small intestine and transported to various target tissues [8], such as fat and muscle tissues, in the form of chylous particles...