What is an overdenture? An overdenture or implant dentures is the one that goes over natural teeth or over dental implants. India Dental Clinic offers overdenture/implant overdenture treatment in India at affordable cost. A patient left with no natural teeth in mouth is called an edentulous pa...
Dental implants are the prevailing therapeutic modality utilized to address tooth loss and injury. Implant failure rates can reach 23% despite technological advances in treatment when peri-implantitis, a multispecies bacterial infection, is the underlying cause. As the number of implant placements increas...
doi:10.1097/01.ID.0000078236.04545.70ScottImplant dentistry
Naert I, Quirynen M, Hooghe M, van Steenberghe D (1994) A comparative prospective study of splinted and unsplinted Branemark implants in mandibular overdenture therapy: A preliminary report. J Prosthet Dent. 71(5): 486-492.Naert I,Qnirynen Hooghe M.A comparativeprospective study of...