They burned the fat of sea animals for fuel. In the summer, the Eskimos lived in tents made from animal skins. The Eskimos needed clothes that were warm and kept out wind and water. They made their clothes from animal skins. Their high boots kept out the snow, ...
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内搭是我们自主的二代水洗黑TEE,裤子是OLD RRL黑牛,俗称德普牛王。鞋子是JULIAN私人订制款。腰带是我们和机车骑士联名的汤姆哈迪同款。机车夹克来自THEDI的油蜡帆布拼皮,这是目前我最满意的一件四袋拼皮款,骑行太舒服了,之前的视频给大家介绍过这款不再赘述,这个只能看实物的质感。手套来自FUEL。头盔也是我自己比较...