Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Hospital 2020-12-11 Share: 上一篇:Peking University Third Hospital 下一篇:Children’s Hospital of Fudan University Follow Us About us News Product Service Medical Big Data AI Imaging Platform Precision Medicine CRO Digital Transformation DHC Research Institute ...
Since Shanghai Proton Heavy Ion Hospital (Proton Heavy Ion Center of Fudan University Cancer Hospital) opened on May 8, 2015, under the premise of ensuring clinical quality and safety, it has given full play to the "directed blasting" of proton heavy ion radiotherapy on tumors. Advantages, re...
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center is set directly under the Ministry of Education of medical, teaching, research, and prevention as one of the 3A hospitals. Hospital was founded in 1931, is the establishment of the first Cancer Hospital; is the only one clinical center that has two speci...
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center (FUSCC), established in 1931 as Sino-Belgium Radium Institute, is the first comprehensive cancer hospital in China. http://www.shmc.fudan.edu.cn/ Daily Ad Revenue: ~n/a Estimated Revenue: ~n/a Ip Adress: Speed: ( seconds) % of sit...
作为第一及通讯已发表40余篇SCI论文,包括Nature,Cell,Lancet Oncology, Gastroenterology, Journal of Hepatology, GUT, Hepatology, Clinical Cancer Research等国际知名杂志。曾连续五年(2012-2016年)应邀在国际肝癌协会年会(ILCA)上做专题演讲。作为负责人承担国家重大仪器专项、国家自然基金、教育部基金及上海市科委基金...
发表第一/通讯作者论文26篇,包括Cancer Res、Clinical Cancer Res、Autophagy等权威期刊,目前作为首席科学家主持4项国家级课题及5项省部级课题。曾获复旦大学“十大医务青年”、上海市青年岗位能手、教育部自然科学奖一等奖,并入选上海市晨光计划、青年科技启明星计划、复旦大学“卓越2025”人才培育计划、树兰卓越工程“肝...
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤 .PPT 3.2Surgery for Primary Cancer 3.3Surgery for Metastases cN1-case1 3.4Surgery for Debulking The results of experimental studies suggest that cytoreduction, or debulking of recurrent cancer, has important potential benefits. 3.5Palliative ...
cancercare cancerresearch andcancerteachingwithintheacademicorhospital-basedsurgicalcommunity SURGICALONCOLOGIST 1.4responsibilityofintroducingtothesurgicalcommunity newinformation newapproachestocancerdiagnosis newapproachestotherapy SURGICALONCOLOGIST 1.5leadershipindevelopingcommunityinterestin ...
英国著名大肠癌专家 Bill Heald 教授 风采 Dr Bill Heald and surgeons at cancer Hospital Fudan Univ,2006,Shanghai 发表者:傅红 3003人已读 pics pics taken by Dr. Fu Hong 本文是傅红版权所有,未经授权请勿转载。 本文仅供健康科普使用,不能做为诊断、治疗的依据,请谨慎参阅 ...
ZHOU Jian, FAN Jia, WU Zhi-quan, QIU Shuang-jian, HUANG Xiao-wu, YU Yao, WANG Zheng, SUN Jian, XIAO Yong-sheng, HE Yi-feng, YANG Guo-huan, SONG Kang, YUAN Zhou, WANG Yu-qi and TANG Zhao-you Liver Cancer Institute, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China (...