英国股市表现波动;① 英国富时100指数(FTSE 100)维持平盘附近,医疗保健和国防板块的上涨抵消了零售和矿业板块的亏损。史密斯医疗(Smith & Nephew)股价飙升近9%,创下自2023年8月以来的最大涨幅。分析师指出,公司在美国骨科领域的强劲表现以及优于预期的利润率是推动股价上涨的主要因素。BAE系统(BAE Systems)股...
英国富时100指数(FTSE 100)、德国DAX 30指数和法国CAC 40指数是欧洲三大热门股指。在很多方面,它们可以与美国的道琼斯指数或标准普尔500指数相媲美,因为它们同样代表着广泛的市场。尽管欧洲在2010年和2011年的主权债务危机后遭遇了一些挫折,但以名义国内生产总值(GDP)衡量,欧洲地区仍拥有全球约三分之一的财富。德国...
①2025年1月17日,欧洲股市交易首小时表现良好,STOXX 600指数上涨0.57%。这得益于中国GDP数据的推动。②STOXX 600指数距超越9月历史高点仅差1%。英国FTSE 100指数于当日创下新高,德国DAX指数近期也屡创新高。这些纪录在欧洲经济整体低迷背景下尤为显眼,此前英国零售销售数据不佳,却使市场对英国央行今年降息预期略...
The benchmark FTSE 100 was up 101 points, or 1.3 percent, at 8,025 after losing half a percent on Thursday. BP Plc jumped 3 percent and peer Shell added 2 percent as Brent crude futures climbed above $90 a barrel on speculation that Iran will respond to Israel's attack on its Syria...
fund’s investment objective or constrain the fund’s investable universe, and there is no indication that an ESG or Impact focused investment strategy or exclusionary screens will be adopted by a fund.For more information regarding a fund's investment strategy, please see the fund's prospectus....
FTSE 100表现平淡,能源股拖累 【FTSE 100表现平淡,能源股拖累】①英国富时100指数(FTSE 100)在周一围绕8,250点波动,几乎持平,未能跟上欧洲其他市场的普遍积极表现。主要由于能源巨头的股价下跌抵消了其他多数板块的涨幅。BP和Shell各下跌2%,成为当日跌幅的领头羊,这与以色列未对伊朗导弹袭击其石油基础设施进行...
Although it's volatile, silver can provide a cushion against declines in purchasing power over the long term. Matt WhittakerMarch 7, 2025 Weight Loss Drug Stocks to Buy Investors are lining up to get in on the diabetes and weight loss drug market. ...
英国股市周四小幅下跌;① FTSE 100指数延续了前一交易日0.6%的跌幅,主要由于大型股票表现疲弱。汇丰银行和BP股价下跌超过1%,而阿斯利康、壳牌、联合利华、雷克斯和英国美国烟草的跌幅较小,均在0.3%至0.9%之间。然而,英力士股价大幅上涨近10%,主要受益于强劲的财报和股票回购计划的宣布。② 在矿业板块,Anglo ...
Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index 55,817.51 313.73 0.57% NASDAQ 100 Index (NASDAQ Calculation) 19,611.21 127.85 0.66% S&P MidCap 400 2,963.33 16.72 0.57% NYSE Composite Index 19,500.16 78.58 0.40% Barron's 400 Index 1,203.56 9.75 0.82% Cboe Volatility Index 20.85 -0.85 -3.92% Gl...
FTSE 100 finished higher today Source: TradingView Despite signs Brits are trading down to cheaper supermarkets such as Aldi and Lidl, Tesco has retained its spot as the country’s largest food shop and shielded its market share of 27.5 per cent. ...