An HSA, unlike an FSA, is portable, so individuals can take it from employer to employer. With an HSA you can also rollover your contributions from year-to-year, so you don't have to worry about losing any money you've put in the account. The contribution limits for HSAs are also h...
如果商家没有针对可使用 HSA/FSA 资金购买的产品建立符合限制的库存,可以借助 Stripe的合作关系,在结账流程中顺畅无阻地接受 HSA 或 FSA 卡支付。根据您的业务类型,您可能立即有资格接受 HSA/FSA 资金,也可能需要执行一些额外的操作,才能以符合美国国税局 (IRS) 相关规定的方式收款。 注意:使账户...
2011 brings expensive changes to FSA, HSA useUnless you have a prescription, that card you've used to buy drugs could have a surcharge tacked
here are eligible items that you can still buy over-the-counter without a prescription. Just order things online and then submit the receipt. Amazon even has a specialFSA-eligible pagethat directly accepts FSA/HSA debit cards, complete with an “under $25” and “little-known eligible items”...
Both HSAs and FSAs provide tax savings on health costs, but you'll have to buy a medical plan that pays few costs upfront to qualify for an HSA, and not everybody should.