Based on the award-winning book series by Arnold Lobel, the new animated series follows two best friends, Frog and Toad, who enjoy what they have in common while learning to embrace what they don’t; the show hits the streamer April 28.
“Frog and Toad” on AppleTV+ Season 2 of the animated series “Frog and Toad”, based on the book series, streams May 31, 2024 on AppleTV+“…’Frog’ is a frog. ‘Toad’ is a toad. They have a lot in common ... but they are also very different. Frog and Toad are best fr...
Apple TV+'s "Frog and Toad" animated series honors Arnold Lobel's original illustrations while making them dynamic enough for TV.
Apple TV+ released thefirst trailer forFrog and Toadon April 18, 2023. It reveals the classic 2D animation style that is faithful to the original picture books save for some modernized touches such as the vibrant coloring of the world and the characters. The narrator introduces Frog (Nat Fax...
The Apple TV+ animated series "Frog and Toad" is unavailable in the United States, only a few months after the show premiered on the streaming service.