Climate activist Greta Thunberg says the Fridays for Future protest movement she started almost one year ago seems like a "made-up story". Video: Reuters Video Eyewitness footage captures Toronto plane crash Footage circulated on social media showed smoke billowing after a plan...
Letzte Woche Freitag, den 21 Februarfandeine „Fridays for Future“ Demonstration in Hamburgstatt[1]. Mehrere zehntausend Menschen demonstrierten für den Klimaschutz, gegen Klimawandel und Erderwärmung. Mit dabei war die be...
在去年的达沃斯经济论坛上,青少年环保活动家Greta Thunberg提出了一个令人震惊的比喻,“我们的房子着火了,而我们的不作为正在火上浇油”,以说明气候变化带来的影响..来自公益组织Fridays for Future近期的宣传广告则是对句话的鲜活展现,这部广告由洛杉矶FF广告制作,描述了一家人在无忧无虑的进行日常活动,孩子们起床、刷...
Fridays For Future | Our House is on Fire Agency:FF Los AngelesDirector:Andrew BruntelProd Co:Ways & Means Our house is on fire. It's time to react! We're honored to collaborate with climate organization Fridays For Future founded by Greta Thunberg on this powerful new campaign developed ...
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, who started Fridays for Future three years ago, told Reuters in an interview this month the conference would succeed only if world leaders admitted their actions were not living up to their words. (Reporting by Arnd Wiegmann and Silke...
In 2018, Greta Thunberg (who was 15 at the time), launched a strike outside the Swedish Parliament, urging for immediate action on the climate crisis. From there, she and fellow young strikers created the #FridaysforFuture movement, a regular global call for governments and societies to make...
是谁或是什么推动德国青年人加入气候保护示威游行?有三分之一人的动力来自朋友和社交媒体。约70%的人说,Greta Thunberg提升了他们对气候变化这个话题的兴趣。 Klimaschützer oder Schulschwänzer? 气候保护者还是逃学者? Sind die „Fridays for ...
The "Fridays for Future" movement, inspired by young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, has found resonance with students around the world. This Friday's global event is understood to be the largest to date.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next >>| ...
The Fridays for Future climate movement, initiated by Thunberg, was seen as particularly effective by German Green Party supporters, 43 percent of whom said in the survey that Thunberg had impressed them very much. In contrast, supporters of the conservative union CDU/CSU, the German Free Democra...
Fridays For Future 来自这位瑞典女孩Greta Thunberg,今天下午目国会前这份努力与影响: