Google cloud AI services including NLP Computer Vision and Speech recognition etc Who should learn this free Google Cloud AI course? Machine Learning Engineer Research Scientist Data Scientist Data Analyst Product Manager What you will learn in this free Google Cloud AI course? Innovating with Google...
This is one of the best available courses on Udemy. To begin this course, you need to have little knowledge of IT. Since the Google cloud platform is the fastest growing cloud service globally, people are taking their businesses online and enhancing them with services the cloud has to provide...
Lesson 06: Services of Google Cloud 58:56 Lesson 07: AWS vs GCP 08:18 Lesson 08: Google Cloud Platform Web Hosting 19:14 View More Get a Completion Certificate Share your certificate with prospective employers and your professional network on LinkedIn. ...
Created by Google Cloud, this certification is designed to give you an overview of the fundamental and crucialconcepts and terminologiesrequired for working with Google Cloud Platform. Take a look at thestorage and computing services, resource and policy management toolsavailable on the platform and c...
In 2024, Google Skillshop migrated their courses to anew platform. Google Skillshop provides free training programs for a large number of Google services, including their marketing tools. There are courses on all the following subjects: Google Ads, Google AdMob, Google Marketing Platform, Google My...
This course introduces configuration management on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Many of the concepts in this course rely on topics covered in earlier courses in the specialization, so if you haven’t yet worked through that material, you should go back and complete the first and second courses...
IoT in the Google Cloud Google via Qwiklabs In this quest, you will learn about Google Cloud’s IoT Core service and its integration with other services like GCS, Dataprep, Stackdriver and Firestore. The labs in this quest use simulator code to mimic IOT devices and the learning here should...
Hello guys, If you want to learn Microsoft Azure concepts and services and look for free online training courses and classes, you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared both free and paid methods to learnAWS,Microsoft Azure, andGoogle Cloud Platform, and today, I will...
- Prepare for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Network Engineer certification exam - Learn about implementing VPCs, hybrid connectivity, network services, and security for established network architectures on Google Cloud - Understand the purpose and intent of the Professional Cloud Network Engineer cert...
coursesity is supported by learner community. we may earn affiliate commission when you make purchase via links on coursesity. subjects development others course overview reviews description in this course, you will : best practice application programming interfaces (api) representational state transfer...