1994年,Jim出版传记《Mercury and Me》,两人的恋情首次走进公众视野,书中有大量从未曝光过的两人相处的故事和生活照;于他而言,是“放下悲伤的过程”。 从染病到去世,Jim其实活了相当的久---尤其是考虑到90年代对艾滋病的药物控制水平跟如今的巨大差距;从1990年确诊(感染病毒则必然更早),直到2010年去世,Jim活了...
Mercury and Hutton kept their private lives to themselves. In fact, it wasn’t until recently that Hutton decided to share their story with the world, through his autobiography, Mercury and Me. They stayed together until Freddie’s death, in 1991. Hutton stayed by his side through it al...