TwbBundle-Zend框架模块 TwbBundle是一个Zend Framework模块,用于轻松集成 。 :warning: 对于Boostrap 4+,请使用 :warning: 帮助项目 :red_heart: 如果该项目可以帮助您减少开发时间和/或您想要帮助该项目的维护者。 你可以他。 谢谢 ! 贡献 :thumbs_up: 如果您想为TwbsHelper贡献力量,欢迎PR! 请阅读文件。
Bundle for Zend Framework 2 Introduction It is a set of extra packages to be used with ZF2 MVC. Features added: Packages module with ACL (easy of use) Authentication and session control TableGateway implementation Entity class Service class AdapterServiceFactory using module-based db configuration...
ios制作bundle到frameworkios.framework 一、framework和.a两种静态库的介绍及区别.a是一个纯二进制文件,.framework中除了有二进制文件之外还有资源文件。.a文件不能直接使用,至少要有.h文件配合,.framework文件可以直接使用。.a + .h + sourceFile = .framework。.a只是静态库。framework既可以是静态库也可以是动态...
Zend zend-libraryzend-extrazend-module Zikula zikula-modulezikula-theme Example composer.json File This is an example for a CakePHP plugin. The only important parts to set in your composer.json file are "type": "cakephp-plugin" which describes what your package is and "require": { "composer...
ios制作bundle到frameworkios.framework 一、framework和.a两种静态库的介绍及区别.a是一个纯二进制文件,.framework中除了有二进制文件之外还有资源文件。.a文件不能直接使用,至少要有.h文件配合,.framework文件可以直接使用。.a + .h + sourceFile = .framework。.a只是静态库。framework既可以是静态库也可以是动态...
Alternatively, you might want to useZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATHto completelyreplacethe systeminclude_pathfor one that makes sense specifically for thezfcommand line tool. Creating Providers In general, a provider, on its own, is nothing more than the shell for a developer to bundle up some capabiliti...
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yii\widgets\ActiveFormAssetThe asset bundle for theyii\widgets\ActiveFormwidget. yii\widgets\BaseListViewBaseListView is a base class for widgets displaying data from data provider such as ListView and GridView. yii\widgets\BlockBlock records all output betweenbegin()andend()calls and stores it inyi...
开发者ID:viscat,项目名称:PCCronManagerBundle,代码行数:11,代码来源:TblCronTaskRepositoryMocks.php 示例13: buildStub ▲点赞 0▼ protectedfunctionbuildStub($will){if(!is_object($will) || !$willinstanceofPHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Stub) { ...
yii\bootstrap\BootstrapPluginAsset Asset bundle for the Twitter bootstrap javascript files. yii\bootstrap\BootstrapThemeAsset Asset bundle for the Twitter bootstrap default theme. yii\bootstrap\BootstrapWidgetTrait BootstrapWidgetTrait is the trait, which provides basic for all bootstrap widgets featu...