Florida, which flash-melted soil and sand around the roots to form a structure called a fulgurite, or “fossilized lightning.” The owners of the property found and sold the fulgurite to University of South Florida (USF) geoscientist, Matthew Pasek. ...
NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla.-AFloridaprofessor says the discovery of fossilized lightning led to the formation of a new material that's never before discovered until now. In theUniversity of South Florida's news releasebyCassidy Delamarter, Delamarter explains that afterlightningstruck a tree...
Meghan Bartels
A tube of "fossilized lightning" from Nebraska's Sandhills holds a rare type of quasicrystal that had previously only been found in meteorites and at atomic bomb test sites. Quasicrystals are materials that break the traditional rules of crystallography. Before they were first reported in 1984,...
When lightning strikes soil, it may generate a cylindrical tube of glass known as a fulgurite. The morphology of a fulgurite is ultimately a consequence of the energy of the lightning strike that formed it and hence fulgurites may be useful in elucidatin