set comment "test" //描述 set extip //对外IP set extintf "any" //对外接口 set portforward enable //启动端口转发,也就是端口映射 set color 6 //可选,配置颜色,6为红色 set mappedip "" //映射到内部的IP set extport 3389 //对外端口 set mappedport 3389 //映射...
Secondary unit in AP cluster memory/CPU spike as a result of DHCP/HA sync issue. 461915 When standalone config sync is enabled in FGSP, IPv6 setting of interface is synced. 477392 Can't use FAC username, password, and FortiToken two-factor authenticate login HA secondary unit 481943 ...
WAN接口一般是连接到ISP的接口,$$し νρη连接一般也是通过WAN接口建立的,本例中我们使用port1,地址配置为172.16.0.4/24;LAN接口一般是接入内网资源的接口,本例中我们使用port2和port3,地址分别配置为172.16.1.3/24和172.16.2.3/24。 然后配置$$し νρη用户和用户组。进入“用户与认证”下的“用户组”,点...
通过命令行CLI配置指定源IP: config system virtual-wan-link config members edit <ID> //这里的ID指的是对应的VPN接口加入后的成员ID set source <IP address> //指定特定的源IP,用于SLA状态探测 end end 配置特定源IP回到页面上查看,可以看到对应的Performance SLA正常探测通:...
The above shows that it will ban the IP from communication for the given period of time. So, lets say we want to remove an IP address that has been quarantined – No problem, just need to go to Monitor-Quarantine and click on the IP and delete that individual or click to delete all...
4HAAmber:HAfailoverSecondary(2)Primary(1) Off:NotinanHAcluster Green:SVCison 5SVCFlashingGreen:SVCactivity Off:SVCisoff Green:3G4GisonNOTE:FormoreinformationonWirelessWANConfiguration,pleaserefertotheFortiOS 63G/4GFlashingGreen:3G4GactivityHandbookat ...
FortiGate其他常见问题.PDF,FortiGate 其他常见问题 版本 1.0 时间 2017 年3 月 支持的版本 FortiGate FortiWiFi All 作者 zlin 状态 草稿 反馈 support_cn@ 目录 1. 设备或服务注册后多少时间生效3 2. 关于FortiOS3 2.1 什么是FortiOS3 2.2 FortiOS 版本演进表4 2.3 FortiO
(for example, one chassis is running 7.2.5 and the other 7.2.6), they can form a cluster. When the cluster is formed, FGCP elects one chassis to be the primary chassis. The primary chassis synchronizes its firmware to the secondary chassis. As a result, both chassis will be running ...
详细信息,参 见FortiGate设备CLI使用参考手册中system interface命令下config secondaryip 的 叙述。 图46 :添加二级IP地址 IP/掩码 输入IP地址/子网掩码。二级IP地址与一级IP地址必须在 不同的子网。两个接口不能在相同的子网具有IP地址。 只有在选择“手工寻址”模式时,该字段才可用。 Ping服 启动失效网关检测,...
admin”,密码为空 系统面板 SystemInformation MenuLicensingandEntitlements MessageConsoleContentandAttackStatistics 帮助 •帮助——点击串口右上角的 配置接口IP •三种方式:•Static(e.g.•DHCP•PPPoE •每个接口支持多个IP地址,可以配置独立的治理权限 ...