99个三阶魔方打乱公式(99 three order Rubiks cube scrambling formula) 99 three 1 L2 R2 magic cube scrambling formulas F DU R D U L2 R D U2 B2 F LD2 U L RU L2 D U LF 2 L R D2 UF D U2 L2 R D UB D2 R B L2 D UF U L RD UB 3 L B2 LR D U LD BD L2 D2 LR D ...
魔方公式的英文翻译,魔方公式用英语怎么说,怎么读 读音:/mó fāng gōng shì/ 魔方公式的英文翻译 网络CFOPUFUFRubik´s cube formulaR U´ R 双语例句 单词专题
3×3 魔方公式(3 x 3 Rubik's cube formula) Here to introduce a relatively simple Rubik's cube six surface reduction method. With this technique, you can restore the Rubik's cube in about 30 seconds in about six seconds. Before the introduction of the reduction method, first of all, ...
3×3魔方公式(3 x 3 Rubiks cube formula).doc,3×3魔方公式(3 x 3 Rubiks cube formula) B here to introduce a relatively simple Rubiks cube, six ways to restore. With this technique, you can restore the six face of the cube in about 30 seconds. Before th
re learning this tutorial first into the introductory tutorial to learn to play Rubiks cube, this CFOP tutorial formula although some are relatively long, a relatively easy formula, this tutorial is very high to play techniques, you can make the experience of magic subtlety technique in the cours...