No. 23 Wake Forest 76, NC State 58
Ardö, J., Barkman, A., Arvidsson, P. 2000 Critical levels of SO 2 in northern Czech Republic—uncertainties and relationship to regional forest decline. Geographical and Environmental Modelling 4 131 161Ardö, J., Barkman, A., Arvidsson, P. (2000) Critical levels of SO2 in ...
Guests can depart the venue in Overland Chauffeur Services luxury vehicles for Beaulieu. They can also depart Careys Manor for a tour of the New Forest with a Forestry Commission ranger.EBSCO_bspConference & Incentive Travel
In A New Century for Natural Resources Management; Knight, R.L., Bates, S.F., Eds.; Island Press: Washington, DC, USA, 1995; pp. 311–319. [Google Scholar] Konijnendijk, C.C. Adapting forestry to urban demands—Role of communication in urban forestry in Europe. Landsc. Urban Plan...
SSeemmi-iv-varairoioggrarmamofotfhtehfeouforufor rfeosrtessut cscuecsscieosnsiostnagsetsa:gfeosr:esftosrteasnt dsstaantdsstaantdsitnaintidatiionnit,iafotiroens,t fsotraensdt sstaatnydosuantgyomuunlgtismtourlyti,sftoorreys, tfosrtaesntdsstaantdusnadteursntdoreyrsrtoeirnyitrieaitnioitn...
Sci. 2018, 8, 1608 13 of 20 In our study, the experiments were carried out in a MATLAB_R2016b environment using an Intel(R) Core (TM) i7 CPU 3.40–3.70 GHz personal computer and Microsoft Windows 7, 64-bit oper4a.tEinxgpesriymsteenmt R. eTshueltsstaunddyDiisscubsassieodnson a ...
Author Contributions: F.P.-R. was responsible for designing and developing the computer tool, and participated in the forest growth and yield modeling necessary for its establishment, in the design and development of the application in the northeastern region of Portugal, and in the writing of ...