The self-driving car is one of the most hotly contested areas of tech development right now, with tech companies like Google (and soon maybe Apple), as well as established car makers like Ford and Volvo each trying to overtake the competition. Earlier this year Ford said it will triple ...
Ford Says Self-Driving Cars to Be Affordable for Masses by 2025In the rapidly developing self-driving car industry, both techand automobile companies are...Glascock, J Walker
Virginia, when it sent out a vehicle witha man inside dressed as a car seat. There was, however, a serious purpose behind the seemingly wacky stunt, with Ford explaining it wanted to learn more abouthow people reacted to self-driving carswith a view...
Lisa Brankin, Ford's managing director for the UK and Ireland, said: "Today marks a significant moment for our industry as Ford BlueCruise becomes the first hands-free driving system of its kind to receive approval for use in Great Britain. "We have always strive...
Ford’s self-driving car program is experiencing delays, but the automaker hopes that others will pick up the baton. Ford is releasing what it calls a “comprehensive self-driving vehicle dataset” to researchers. The goal is to promote further research and development of autonomous driving tech...
The automaker, which starts producing the electric F-150 in 2022, announced it will invest heavily in the future of powertrains and mobility through 2025.
FORD on Tuesday said that it has a green light to test self-driving cars in California, and should have them on roads in the most populous US state next year. The car maker officially enrolled in the California Autonomous Vehicle Testing Program and will begin with self-driving Ford Fus...
Are self-driving cars the death of car ownership? 2024 Ford Mustang Mach-E Rally first drive: old pony learns new trick Cruise woes prompt production halt of fully driverless van The Miami trialhit the streets in February and involves pizza delivery for Domino’s. More recently it partnered ...
SEE ALSO: Remember the driver disguised as a car seat? That helped Ford develop a self-driving 'language.' With Argo AI, the company will map the city and collect data about driving around the city ahead of a 2021 goal for a commercial self-driving car service....
"Never gonna happen" just got a lot closer. According to Ford the self-driving car will be here within five years, using technologies available today. The smart car will take over your morning commute on clogged freeways, improving your speed and reducing fuel consumption. The technology concept...