font-weight: 800; font-black font-weight: 900; font-(<custom-property>) font-weight: var(<custom-property>); font-[<value>] font-weight:<value>; Examples Basic example Use utilities likefont-thinandfont-boldto set the font weight of an element: ...
The following utilities need to be migrated to Tailwind CSS: .gl-font-weight-100 .gl-font-weight-300 .gl-font-weight-normal .gl-font-weight-semibold .gl-font-weight-bold .gl-font-weight-100 and .gl-font-weight-300 are removed in Remove font weight 100 and 300 (!154257 - ...
In that case this issue is likely a duplicate oftailwindlabs/tailwindcss-intellisense#1133and got to do with a bug in IntelliSense. We'll look into it next week! should work, as exhibited inthis Tailwind Play. The extra: --font-weight-extraBold: 800; --font-weight-bold: 700; --font...
You can also provide defaultline-height,letter-spacing, andfont-weightvalues for a font size: @theme{--text-tiny:0.625rem;--text-tiny--line-height:1.5rem;--text-tiny--letter-spacing:0.125rem;--text-tiny--font-weight:500;} Learn more about customizing your theme in thetheme documentation....
My tailwind.css file includes the following ... h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-size: inherit; font-weight: inherit; } This obviously breaks h1 etc. What if the proper way for me to fix this? Also, why aren't other people complaining about...
1. 以前是 css, 现在是 css2 版本不同了, Google 对字体做了一次改版, 如果你切换到 css 会拿到旧版本的字体 2. selected font-style 3. selcted font-weight 4. font-display 这个下面会详解讲它的作用. 如果有多个字体的话, 它的 URL 长这样 ...
For example, a font-weight of 100 is extremely thin, while a font-weight of 900 is extremely thick. The most commonly used font weights are 400 (normal) and 700 (bold). HTML: CSS: CodePen: Output: Font Weights in keyword names ...
{font-family:'Oswald';font-weight:681;color:red;}.roboto-font{font-family:"Roboto",serif;font-optical-sizing:auto;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variation-settings:"wdth"494;}</style></head><body>This is Bitstream Vera Serif Bold.<pclass="custom-font">This is Oswald.</p><p...
tailwindcss css postcss plugin font fontSize font size font-size base base fontSize base font size base-font-size rem cedericprivat •1.0.1•a year ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.0.1,a year ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT ...
css postcss-plugin texts color font-style font-variant font-weight font-stretch text-decoration text-align text-rendering text-transform white-space View more jonathantneal •1.1.0•9 years ago•1dependents•CC0-1.0published version1.1.0,9 years ago1dependentslicensed under $CC0-1.0 ...