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It's the job of an audio interface to sit between you and your sound being shared with the world, and Focusrite are the best in the world at making that happen.
Why invest in Focusrite Previous slide Next slide We arenotyouraverageaudio technology group We’re a passionate bunch united by a single objective: to smash through barriers and unleash boundless creativity in the world of sound. From bedroom beat making to uniting festival crowds, we support our...
It's the job of an audio interface to sit between you and your sound being shared with the world, and Focusrite are the best in the world at making that happen.
It's the job of an audio interface to sit between you and your sound being shared with the world, and Focusrite are the best in the world at making that happen.
It's the job of an audio interface to sit between you and your sound being shared with the world, and Focusrite are the best in the world at making that happen.
近期录音设备圈的热门话题,应该是 Focusrite 第四代 Scarlett 声卡,毕竟没有用过 Scarlett 的音乐人..已经不多了.. 所以谁都可以吐槽两句。 它是被同行「致敬」最多的声卡 下列声卡都不是 Scarlett 说回来.. 国内外的评测媒体,基本都选择测试 4i4 (四代),但我们选择是 2i2 (四代),因为.. ...
联系电话18998309631 联系地址 公司地址广东省广州市天河区广州癸新数码科技有限公司B座1603 百度爱采购温馨提示 以上商品信息由爱采通提供并负责其真实性、准确性和合法性 如该商品有任何问题,请联系第三方网站进行删除,百度会积极协助配合 在贸易过程中,请注意谨慎核实商业伙伴各项资源,谨防诈骗 ...
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 USB 音频接口(第 3 代)旨在将您的工作室设置提升到一个新的水平。18i20 具有高达 24 位/192kHz 的高性能模数和数模转换功能,可为录音和播放提供原始的音频质量。该第三代接口具有 18 个输入和 20 个输出,为麦克风、乐器、监视器等提供广泛的连接。Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 是一款功能...
一步、先安装声卡驱动,然后安装好sam机架后,运行桌面的快捷方式,先点选项-系统/音频-系统选项-音频系统-驱动程序系统选择asio,驱动选择Focusrite usb asio,点确定。 第二步、设置采样率,sam机架 采样率设置成48000,路径:设置-系统选项-项目选项,点确定。之后按下F9自动弹出调音台界面。第三步、找到右下角的...