fo' shizzle my nizzle [网络] fo'shizzle我的嘶嘶声
“fo shizzle ma nizzle”是“fo' sheezy mah neezy”的不规则用法,后者又是“for sure mah nigga”的不规则用法.“for sure mah nigga” 又是“ i concur with you whole heartedly my african american brother”的滥用.意思是“跟你同心,我的非洲兄弟.” 所以呢fo shizzl就是 for sure(语源:史奴比~说...
Fo shizzle my nizzle is a slang way to say “for sure, my friend.” Welcome to my house / Neighborhood incense burner Wood wood style Say hello / Tatu iPhone 7 plus Another table lamp :) "ANA" 更新了一下桌面视频 观众老爷们望捧个场子 LOVE YOU ALL !!! 视频:桌搭是故意不靠墙...
for shizzle=for sure.应该是my whistle. enter199412 铁杆吧友 9 这是DOGG自创的slang,till I cllapse中。whizzle原型是whistle,后面的slizzle=slim. enter199412 铁杆吧友 9 For shizzle my whizzle this is the plot listen up you bizzles forgot slizzle does not give a *** B13626817458 人气楷模...
The Mirror (London, England)
20.This gives us expressions like " fo' shizzle my nizzle" . 这给了我们类似“fo' shizzle my nizzle”的表达。机翻 「2011 English Cafe」 用户正在搜索 interactional, interactionism, interactive, interactivity, interadaptation, interallied, interalloy, interambulacrum, inter-American, Interaminia, ...
名词复数形式:fos 形容词最高级:foest 词组短语 1、band fo Remak [医] 雷马克氏带, 轴突, 轴索 2、c-fo abbr. 首席财务官(Chief Finance Officer) 3、equivalent fo-wire system [电] 等值四线系统 4、fo' shizzle my nizzle [网络] fo'shizzle我的嘶嘶声 ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook fo. Wikipedia fo. abbreviation for (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) folio Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, ...
Definitions include: "fo shizzlemynizzle", i.e. "for sure mynigga". fo sho Definitions include: for sure. fo' sho' Definitions include: "for sure". (show 11 more) How common is this slang? I use it(8) No longer use it(0) ...
Fo Shizzle My Nizzo in texting slang stands for 1. another word for "Fo' shizzle my nizzle 2. came from "for sure, my nigger" 3. saying "yes" 12月 29th, 2012 at 5:17 上午 Reply Answer this question by Anonymous - Already have an account? Login now! Your Name: Your Answer...