节日福利员工旅游带薪年假年终奖定期体检五险一金 公司基本信息 FMT SHIPPING 不需要融资 0-20人 交通/运输 查看全部职位 微信扫码分享 职位描述 海运 货代经理/主管 运力管理 负责中东印度东南亚航线管理已经销售 原标题:《航线经理》 沈先生半年前活跃 FMT SHIPPING·Director ...
FMT SHIPPING招聘货运代理经理 - K FMT SHIPPING 交通/运输 不需要融资 招聘中 JET翼锋国际货运招聘货运代理经理 - K JET翼锋国际货运 物流/仓储 未融资 立即沟通 职位详情 上海 5-10年 大专 海运 货代经理/主管 运力管理 负责中东印度东南亚boss直聘航线kanzhun管理已经销售 ...
Ademuni-Odeke.Shipping in international trade relations. . 1988Ademuni-Odeke (1988) Shipping in International Trade Relations, Avebury Gower Publishing Company Limited, England.Ademuni-Odeke.Shipping in international trade...
Advantage of the providing discount to customers; Use of the proper classification and/or description from the National Motor Freight Classification guide for shipping; Importance of having a professional review of freight needs.doi:US2370730 AHeckman, John...
Shipping has multiple meanings. It can be a physical process of transporting goods and cargo, by land, air, and sea. It also can describe the movement of objects by ship. Land or "ground" shipping can be by train or by truck. In a...
Shipping serviceReports that the United States-based logistics firm LOC Global has launched an Internet-based shipping service for smaller businesses. Features of Shipwire; Companies behind the service.Supply Management
海运操作 - K FMT SHIPPING 交通/运输 不需要融资 职位关闭 货代操作(双休) - K 展宏供应链 跨境物流 未融资 职位详情 宁波 1-3年 大专 周末双休 五险一金 负责接收托单以及来自BOSS直聘安排boss订舱、运输、货来自BOSS直聘物跟BOSS直聘踪、等事宜。 需要有相关从业经验。
FMT SHIPPING 交通/运输 不需要融资 更换职位 职位关闭 国际物流(货代)水/空/陆运操作 - K· 薪 上海义捷 其他行业 未融资 更换职位 职位详情 上海 1-3年 大专 海运 周末双休 年终奖 环境好 五险一金 1、掌握熟悉海运出口操作流程,能独立完成海运出口一票到底的操作(FCL/LCL/Consol),从客户询价、海外联络、...
Reports on the meeting between representatives of the National Industrial Transportation League (NITL) and European and Japanese shippers to formulate a joint declaration on international shipping. Comments from NITL cha...
States that an eighty seven percent compliance rate among merchant ships was reported by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for its International Safety Management Code. Requirements of code; Deadline date for shipping operators to have...