具体来说,它在 output.iterations 中给出迭代次数,在 output.funcCount 中给出函数计算次数,以及在 output.constrviolation 中给出可行性。 获取所有输出fmincon 可以返回几个输出,您可以使用这些输出来分析报告的解。设立一个在单位圆盘上最小化 Rosenbrock 函数的问题。首先创建一个表示非线性约束的函数。将此函数...
I have been doing some experiments to see how the number of function evaluations (F-count) change depending on the type of gradient information that is passed (objective gradient vs. constraint gradient). Here are the results of a test case (decision space: 60 variables) alongwith the time ...
其中:fun为目标函数,x1,x2为变量的边界约束,即x1≤x≤x2,X为返回的满足fun取得最小值的x的值,而fval则为此时的目标函数值。 exitflag>0表示计算收敛,exitflag=0表示超过了最大的迭代次数,exitflag<0表示计算不收敛,返回值 output有3个分量,其中iterations是优化过程中迭代次数,funcCount是...
运行结果: x = 1.0000 1.0000 fval = 10 exitflag = 1 output = iterations: 8 funcCount: 36 stepsize: 1 algorithm: 'medium-scale: SQP, Quasi-Newton, line-search' firstorderopt: 1.3655e-007 cgiterations: [] message: [1x144 char]
286.7422 267.6533 fval = 4.1273e+003 exitflag = 0 output = iterations: 16 funcCount: 202 lssteplength: 4.8828e-004 stepsize: 0.0294 algorithm: 'medium-scale: SQP, Quasi-Newton, line-search'firstorderopt: 223.6754 constrviolation: 16.1374 message: [1x145 char]不过会出现...
'optimplotfunccount' plots the function count. 'optimplotfval' plots the function value. 'optimplotfvalconstr' plots the best feasible objective function value found. The plot shows infeasible points in one color and feasible points in another, using a feasibility tolerance of 1e-6. 'optimplot...
Iteration Func-count f(x) Step-size First-order optimality 1 4 -0.841471 1 0.54 exitflag返回为1的条件是: First-order optimality measure was less thanoptions.OptimalityTolerance, and maximum constraint violation was less thanoptions.ConstraintTolerance. First-order optimality measure小于thanoptions.Opt...
Iter F-count f(x) constraint Step-size derivative optimality Procedure 0 3 -8 1 Infeasible start point 1 7 -7.7037 0.06173 1 0.37 0.83 2 11 -7.67725 0.0003061 1 0.0268 0.0149 3 15 -7.67712 7.682e-009 1 0.00013 4 7.35e-007 Optimization terminated: first-order optimality measure less than...
funcCount: 0 stepsize: []lssteplength: []constrviolation: []firstorderopt: []message: 'Exiting due to infeasibility: 1 lower bound exceeds the corresponding upper bound.'lambad = []———exitflag=-2 指明程序退出的原因是在约束条件下,没有可行点,所以这题无解 ...