4 初始化失败。 3 操作系统版本不受支持。 2 无法加载激活库。 1 找不到激活库。 -1 找不到许可文件。 -2 许可文件语法无效。 -3 没有此功能的许可服务器系统。 -4 已达到许可的用户数。 -5 不存在此类功能。 -6 许可文件中没有 TCP/IP 端口号,且 FLEXnet Licensing Service 不存在。(仅限 v6 之...
You want information about common FlexNet® error codes and their meaning. The following articles address the most common FlexNet error conditions: "FlexNet Licensing error:-97,121" launching "Perform Status Enquiry" in LMTOOLS "A valid license could n
Provide your license server administrator with the following information: Error Code = -42 Invalid parameter. License path: @DESKTOP-XXXXX;【主机名脱敏】 FlexNet Licensing error:-42,147 ArcGIS for Desktop/Engine 10.2 cannot connect to previous versions of the ArcGIS License Manager. Please contact y...
FlexNet Publisher 2023 R2 (11.19.4) License Administration Guide FNP-11194-LAG00 Company Confidential 25 Chapter 3 Trusted Storage Licensing in Virtual Environments • SERVER (not needed) • VENDOR (lmadmin provides direct vendor-daemon configuration) • VM_PLATFORMS (not needed) • USE_...
The publisher provides the interface for the installation of licenses so publisher's licensing solutions may differ greatly. FlexNet Publisher is designed to allow publishers maximum flexibility in licensing models and processes. 4. Install the FlexEnabled application on end user machines. The publisher...
The publisher provides the interface for the installation of licenses so publisher's licensing solutions may differ greatly. FlexNet Publisher is designed to allow publishers maximum flexibility in licensing models and processes. 4. Install the FlexEnabled application on end user machines. The publisher...
The publisher provides the interface for the installation of licenses so publisher's licensing solutions may differ greatly. FlexNet Publisher is designed to allow publishers maximum flexibility in licensing models and processes. 4. Install the FlexEnabled application on end user machines. The publisher...
The publisher provides the interface for the installation of licenses so publisher's licensing solutions may differ greatly. FlexNet Publisher is designed to allow publishers maximum flexibility in licensing models and processes. 4. Install the FlexEnabled application on end user machines. The publisher...
4 初始化失败。 3 操作系统版本不受支持。 2 无法加载激活库。 1 找不到激活库。 -1 找不到许可文件。 -2 许可文件语法无效。 -3 没有此功能的许可服务器系统。 -4 已达到许可的用户数。 -5 不存在此类功能。 -6 许可文件中没有 TCP/IP 端口号,且 FLEXnet Licensing Service 不存在。(仅限 v6 之...
The publisher provides the interface for the installation of licenses so publisher's licensing solutions may differ greatly. FlexNet Publisher is designed to allow publishers maximum flexibility in licensing models and processes. 4. Install the FlexEnabled application on end user machines. The publisher...