-H 'Content-Type: application/json' ``` You should see: 你应该会看到: ``` { @@ -725,13 +724,13 @@ You should see: } ``` You should also see the new book in the response from the [http://localhost:5000/books](http://localhost:5000/books) endpoint. 你应该会在 [http://loc...
master apps media nginx .dockerignore .env .gitignore CHANGELOG.md Dockerfile LICENSE.md README.md build.sh docker-compose.yml env.sample gunicorn-cfg.py package.json render.yaml requirements.txt run.pyBreadcrumbs flask-argon-dashboard/
./api/使用pandas读取users.xlsx中存储的用户信息,接收参数后用json格式返回对应用户的信息(使用pandas只是因为最近在用pandas练习数据分析_)使用了比较方便易用的gunicorn做服务器了。(我反正是很恶心一个github上找一个demo运行起来得配置一堆东西比如flask 搭配wsgui 或nginx之类的) python test.py可以把同级目录下...
json5 "^0.5.1" lodash "^4.17.4" minimatch "^3.0.4" path-is-absolute "^1.0.1" private "^0.1.7" slash "^1.0.0" source-map "^0.5.6" babel-generator@^6.26.0: version "6.26.0" resolved "http://r.npm.sankuai.com/babel-generator/download/babel-generator-6.26.0.tgz#ac...
A public JSON API for Wordle. This repo also includes a frontend made with Vue.js. See it in action here. Why? The original Wordle game only allows you to play 1 game per day. It is also extremely easy to cheat as the answer to the puzzle is sent to the client before it has bee...
# toRet = json.loads(self.to_json()) # # del toRet['password'] # # toRet["full_name"] = f"{toRet['first_name']} {toRet['last_name']}" # # return toRet # @api.rest_model() # class Post(mongo.Document): # title = mongo.StringField() # text = mongo.StringFiel...
We update the server.py app a bit, adding jsonify to create a json-style, API type output. We also renamed this file, "init.py" as this seems to be the convention. We created config.py in the /src folder to setup environment-specific variables. import os basedir = os.path.abspath(...
const packageConfig = require('../package.json') const shell = require('shelljs') function exec (cmd) { return require('child_process').execSync(cmd).toString().trim() } const versionRequirements = [ { name: 'node', currentVersion: semver.clean(process.version), versionRequirement: packag...
package.json Deploy 3 years ago yarn.lock Deploy 3 years ago This project was bootstrapped withCreate React App. Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: yarn start Runs the app in the development mode. Openhttp://localhost:3000to view it in the browser. ...
Files master app nginx .gitignore CHANGELOG.md Dockerfile LICENSE.md README.md build.sh deployer.json docker-compose.yml env.sample gunicorn.conf.py package.json requirements.txt run.pyBreadcrumbs ecommerce-flask-stripe / requirements.txt