Flappy Bird是在年初的时候非常火爆的一个小游戏,但是后来作者在2014年2月10日将其在Apple与Google商店下架,因为这游戏太容易让人上瘾了。 这时候就有很多恶意的Flappy Bird软件在商店上冒出来。 捕获到一个恶意版本的Flappy Bird可以在用户没有察觉的情况下发送短信。 App MD5:6c357ac34d061c97e6237ce9bd1fe003 ...
bird_head = pygame.transform.rotate(bird[wing_position], head_direction) # 小鸟动起来 bird_actual_position = bird_position+bird_shake SCREEN.blit(bird_head, (bird_x_position, bird_actual_position)) # 检测撞地 if bird_position == ground_position: game_state = GAMEOVER sound_hit.play() #...
Bird.jump = True # 跳跃 Bird.gravity = 5 # 重力 Bird.jumpSpeed = 10 # 跳跃速度 background = pygame.image.load("1702430971335.png") # 加载背景图片 if checkDead(): # 检测小鸟生命状态 getResult() # 如果小鸟死亡,游戏结束,显示游戏总分数 else: createMap(screen, background, font) # 绘制...
在虚拟窗口,你应该能看到Flappy Bird的运行,DroidBox也在记录了Flappy Bird的日志,按 Ctrl-C停止DroidBox然后查看日志。 DroidBox输出的日志是JSOn格式的,下面是一个其中一些日志: {"apkName":"flappy-bird.apk","enfperm":[],"recvnet":{"2.104520797729492":{"data":"485454502f312e3120323030204f4b0d0a5365727...
If you run the project, you already can see the flying bird. Background Add a background image to theScenemain.qml. Make sure to put it before the Player item to have the right z-ordering. (You could also define the z-ordering manually via thezproperty, but it's more clear if you...
var bottombackground; var birdimage; var pipeupimage; var pipedownimage; var pipenumber=0; //当前已经读取管道高度的个数 var fps=30; //游戏的帧数,推荐在30~60之间 var gamestate=1; //游戏状态:0--未開始,1--已開始。2--已结束
Flame是一款基于Flutter的2D游戏引擎,今天我将使用它制作一款简单的小游戏Flappy Bird flappy_bird_preview.gif 为游戏添加背景 游戏的的背景分为2个部分,远景和近处的平台,我们可以使用ParallaxComponent来进行展示 finalbgComponent=awaitloadParallaxComponent([ParallaxImageData("background-day.png")],baseVelocity:Vect...
Flappy Bird, you are either in or you are out. This game is the most brutal example of no error tolerance. Should you get to 5000 points and miss an obstacle, you are back to ZERO…as in start over. If you correct the flight of your Bir...
I decided to make several layers to have things organized, bg layer for background image that is not moving, default layer for pipes and bird itself, ground layer for moving the ground that is covering pipes, ui layer for “get ready” popups and score labels, and finally dlg layer for...
game.load.image('bird', 'assets/bird.png'); }, create: function() { // Change the background color of the game to blue game.stage.backgroundColor = '#71c5cf'; // Set the physics system game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); ...