Use of oral metronidazole is associated with psychotic reactions in alcoholic patients who were using disulfiram concurrently. Do not administer metronidazole to patients who have taken disulfiram within the last two weeks (seePRECAUTIONS,DRUG INTERACTIONS). Interaction With Alcohol Use of oral metronidazol...
Use of oral metronidazole is associated with a disulfiram-like reaction to alcohol, including abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and flushing. Discontinue consumption of alcohol or products containing propylene glycol during and for at least three days after therapy with metronidazole (seePRE...
Flagyl (metronidazole) is an antibiotic medication used to treat various bacterial and parasitic infections, including certain types of vaginal and intestinal infections. Easy Order Processing for tablets 200 mg 400 mg.
Metronidazole (Flagyl) Therapy for Alcoholism: A Further ReportPsychopharm Review
Interaction with Alcohol Use of oral metronidazole is associated with a disulfiram-like reaction to alcohol, including abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and flushing. Discontinue consumption of alcohol or products containing propylene glycol during and for at least three days after therapy ...
Metronidazole also depends on alcohol. Medicines should avoid alcohol. In patients with protease inhibitors including ethanol or propylene glycol, methanidazole should be avoided. Amphenadiol (Agenerase) solution, rin- tervil solution of lopinavir (Kaletra), ritonavir (norbil) capsule and tipranavir...
intravenous solution Important warningsThis medicine can cause some serious health issues Oral route (tablet; tablet, extended release) Metronidazole has been shown to be carcinogenic in mice and rats. Unnecessary use of the drug should be avoided. ...
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