这四个概念分为两组,fixed cost和variable cost,两者加和可以构成总成本,direct和indirect cost加和也是总成本。两组概念是用两种不同思路区分了总成本的构成。fixed cost:除了场地租用这种明显的固定成本,还有一些容易混淆的,比如工资,虽然可变,但因按照固定的rates来做,因此一般认为是固定成本。确...
可变成本和固定成本拓展资料:1、可变成本(Variable Costs)又称变动成本,是指在总成本中随产量的变化而变动的成本项目,主要是原材料,燃料,动力等生产要素的价值;当一定期间的产量增大时,原材料,燃料,动力的消耗会按比例相应增多,所发生的成本也会按比例增大,故称为可变成本。可变成本等于总成本减...
Is Marginal Cost the Same as Variable Cost? The termmarginal costrefers to any business expense that is associated with the production of an additional unit of output or by serving an additional customer. A marginal cost is the same as an incremental cost because it increases incrementally ...
Fixed, variable, semi-variable and stepped fixed cost-固定成本、变动成本、半变动成本、阶梯变动成本 ① Fixed cost are costs that are not affected in total by the level of activity, but remain the same for a particular period of time. ② Variable cost are the costs that change in total in ...
Variable costs and total costs depend on the number of goods or services a company produces. Companies must consider both types of costs to ensure they are fiscally solvent and thriving over the long term. Understanding the Different Cost Types ...
fixed cost:除了场地租用这种明显的固定成本,还有一些容易混淆的,比如工资,虽然可变,但因按照固定的rates来做,因此一般认为是固定成本。确定这个概念的关键就是:此费用跟产量(生产性组织)和销售(销售性组织)没有任何关系。 varaiable cost: 比如原材料费用等,这个好理解。 direct cost:是指为了...
很明显,都是var cost 不过我们习惯叫var cost叫可变动的成本或者费用 那3个项目都不是固定资产所产生的费用,而且那些都不能直接有预计的
Variable Costs and Fixed Costs are a type of classification of costs based on their behavior pattern in relation to volume or activity of the business. In short, total variable cost varies in proportion to the change in output / activity / volume of the
不是以乘客为单位而是以航班为单位的 每班航班的飞机餐是按标准来的 基本可以固定 所以 飞机餐总成本...