如果你懒得开电脑,那么用手机也可以完成对Aria的配置,当然,也可以用平板电脑来完成。无论你是iOS用户还是安卓,都可以通过下载Fitbit官方应用或者是直接打开网页(www.fitbit.com/scale/setup/start)两种方式来对Aria进行配置。在这里,笔者比较建议大家先去应用市场里将Fitbit应用下载安装。 在这里,笔者用的是iPhone 6...
Fitbit Aria 2 WiFi Scale: It’s worth mentioning somewhere in here that Fitbit also announced a new Fitbit Aria WiFi scale, the Aria 2. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any units handy at the media event…thus, none to take photos of. So the above is a stock photo. The core differ...
fitbit Aria™ Wi-Fi Smart Scale [电子wifi秤] == 官方中文社区 == http://www.fitbit.com/group/229BXW == 开发者API == http://dev.fitbit.com/ == 初次使用激活教程 == http://www.fitbit.com/setup == iOS/Android 下载地址 == 注:请自行临时切换到美国区 https://itunes.apple...
I suspect they have an inferior wifi device in the scale that's got some setup issues. I've removed the batteries multiple times, changed them, tried to setup the scale withing mere millimeters of the router. everything else that can be connected to the router wirelessly is, without is...
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你可以使用 Fitbit Aria 系列体重秤称量体重,并与 Fitbit 应用同步,追踪自己一段时间内的体重数据和变化趋势。 全部展开 全部收起 如何设置 Fitbit 体重秤? 如何判断我的 Fitbit 体重秤是哪一款? 如何放置和清洁 Fitbit 体重秤? Fitbit 体重秤防水吗? Fitbit 体重秤可以测量哪些数值? “常规”与“少脂”模式...