China's National Tourism Day falls on May 19 every year starting the year of 2011. The date was chosen to commemorate the day when China's ancient travel book writer Xu Xiake (1587-1641) began writing his masterpiece "Travel Notes of Xu Xiake". Special friendship cuts across species China...
Then get on down to thebasho. Remember, it ain’t over till thegyōjicalls it. A Smell Walk on the Mild Side: Missing the forest for the trees A Quantum of Feelz: Tripping balls in St. Petersburg AI on My Mind: “I’m sorry Ave, I’m afraid I can’t do that” Battle of the...
Jim Davis has a new Grave Stone – Photo by Dave Clemmer Member, John “Cabi” Cabigas, Pilots James May Into Space Tribute to WWII Triple Ace – Bud Anderson – and the P-51 Visit MAKS-2021 – Russia’s Annual International Air Show ...
- lua_translator@date_translator # 时间、日期、星期 - lua_translator@lunar # 农历 - table_translator@custom_phrase # 自定义短语 custom_phrase_double.txt - table_translator@melt_eng # 英文输入 - table_translator@cn_en # 中英混合词汇 - table_translator@radical_lookup # 部件拆字反查 - lua_tr...
Gambari, F. M. (2004). I contesti fondamentali: Le necropoli a cremazione nel quadro dell’età del Bronzo recente in Piemonte. In D. Cocchi Genick (Ed.), L’età del bronzo recente in Italia. Atti del Congresso Nazionale di Lido di Camaiore, 26–29 ottobre 2000 (pp. 53–60). Ma...
Baskerville halll,October 13th. My dear Holmes: My previous letters and telegrams have kept you pretty well up to date as to all that has occurred in this most God-forsaken corner of the world.The longer one stays here the more does the spirit of the moor sink into one‘s soul,i...
It is the first directive to cover a product’s total life cycle, often called ‘from cradle to grave. 这是第一部涵 盖产品在其整个生命周期过程中的各个阶段对环境所产生的影响的指令;全寿命周期通常又称“从摇篮到坟墓”。 The upper section of the plug connector shown in...
The score is scaled to a range of (0,1), where higher values indicate better faithfulness. Check out the Ragas Documentation for more on this metric.F a i t h f u l n e s s = | Number of claims in the generated answer that can be inferred from given context | | Total number ...
Type: Non-Fiction Date Published: August 1967 Pages: 208pp. Printer: Cox and Wyman Ltd Price: 5/ Number: 2,759 Main Series No.: 2,759 Title: GASCOYNE Author: Stanley G. L. Crawford Cover: design by Michael Trevithick Type: Fiction Date Published: February 1969 Pages: 17...
This work presents the first direct measurement of the 93Mo half-life. The measurement is a combination of high-resolution mass spectrometry for the determination of the 93Mo concentration and liquid scintillation counting for determining the specific ac